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 2021-10-28    482  


湖南日报·新湖南客户端10月25日讯(通讯员 刘昭云)10月25日,在湖南兴德缝制股份有限公司的生产车间,邵东先临三维科技有限公司的技术人员利用三维数字化扫描技术,快速提取旧款设备相关数据,通过3D打印工艺,帮助该公司顺利完成新品设计和开发。 “利用三

FormlabsFuse1&Fuse Sift&Form3&Form3L&Form3B&Form3BL&Form2软件及固件2021年10月28日已经更新到当前最新版本,版本号及更新信息如下所示:



October 26, 2021 更新时间

PreForm_setup_3.20.DMG (苹果MAC版)

October 26, 2021 更新时间


Fuse 1

1.13.1 September 9, 2021

Compatible with PreForm 3.19.0 and later

Improved Priming of the printer

Improved the camera imaging

Various bug fixes

Fuse Sift

1.2.4 August 16, 2021

Improved accuracy of the dosing motor while filling

Form 3

1.15.0 October 26, 2021

Compatible with PreForm 3.20.0 and later

Removed the cleaning mesh from being printed with Elastic Resin, Durable Resin, Tough 1500 Resin, Tough 2000 Resin, and Custom Tray Resin

Various bug fixes

Form 3L

1.7.4 August 16, 2021

3D打印的立体声音质耳机-HIK S1特斯拉动圈有线耳机

使用“预算”作为将消费电子产品描述为廉价的一种方式,与使用“饮食”来对卡路里含量低的食品进行分类一样没有意义。毕竟,就像节食包括吃什么一样,预算是基于一个人愿意和能够花费的钱。 小众调音师品牌的HIK耳机就是一款“预算型”的有线耳机。它的定义是

Compatible with PreForm 3.18.0 and later

Added the ability to print cleaning meshes

Improved cartridge dispense behavior

Improved tank detection

Improved build platform detection

Improved cartridge detection

Various bug fixes

Form 3B

1.15.0 October 26, 2021

Compatible with PreForm 3.20.0 and later

Removed the cleaning mesh from being printed with Elastic Resin, Durable Resin, Tough 1500 Resin, Tough 2000 Resin, and Custom Tray Resin

Various bug fixes

Form 3BL

1.7.4 August 16, 2021

Compatible with PreForm 3.18.0 and later

Added the ability to print cleaning meshes

Improved cartridge dispense behavior

Improved tank detection

Improved build platform detection

Improved cartridge detection

Various bug fixes



楼峻Nature Materials:3D打印二氧化硅,分辨率可达纳米级

▲第一作者:Xiewen Wen, Boyu Zhang 通讯作者:王炜鹏(现为清华大学材料学院助理研究员), Jacob T. Robinson, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Jun Lou 通讯单位:美国莱斯大学,清华大学 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-021-01111-2 背景介绍 二氧化硅(SiO2)是

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